Sunday, January 30, 2011

In Manila

In Manila

After 7 months we are finally here in Manila. It is day 3 since our arrival. We cannot really count the first day as we arrived only in the afternoon and were really tired. First impressions of Manila. ….. don’t know what to write. However I am also aware that I felt the same way when I reached NYC the first time. Day three, I think we are accepting the place and beginning to enjoy it perhaps?

But how tiring, to do this one more time, knowing that it is not the last. Grocery stores, a home, doctors, dentists, friends, book clubs, shops, beauty salons, hairdressers, the list is endless. After that the pursuit of a job,….In the meanwhile, I also have to send one child to college and manage Revati’s school drop and pick up along with arranging for a maid and driver that I can trust. Okay, that was too whiny, I admit!
Tomorrow morning I am off to visit the vegetable market. Vegetables are very expensive in Manila I am told. Onions Rs. 120 a kg anyone?

But the clothes we saw at the mall today are so good and cheap! It is a mystery!
The first night we walked across to Podium Mall just across the road. Bumped into good friends of Monish.
The second day, missed breakfast. Had lunch at ADB and met a very nice couple there again.

The couple of houses that we did see were not very inspiring, rather rambling and ramshackle at the same time. I am looking forward to doing some real house-hunting tomorrow.

Today we went into the famous Mega mall. It certainly lived up to its name. All three of us were quite satisfied. Ended up eating some rubbish nacho chips with cheese on top, but the girls were happy with whatever they ate.

The food experience here takes me back to London in the earlier days. Not much by way of vegetarian options. I hate it when a fuss is made of what I eat, that I am not a meat eater. What is the big deal? Am I to explain each time?

Oh, there is a typhoon raging somewhere. Quite foolishly, Rukmini and I decided to go out for desert after dinner. While going we were alright. There was a slight drizzle. But on the way back, the wind had picked up and so had the rain. From the hotel room one cannot really tell what is going on outside. Good thing nobody found out about our little expedition.

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